

The office of the Dawson Creek Chamber has implemented the following steps to protect the Board and Staff.
• The office has been closed to all foot traffic at this time
• The office has taken steps to clean the office on a regular basis with antibacterial wipes and other cleaners
• Staff will come in at staggered time to meet the requirements of distancing
• The hours of the office will be flexible as staff can make arrangements to work from home
• Staff will pre sign cheques for payroll and monthly taxes and prepay some of those bills to avoid late payments (following federal and provincial directives)
• The board will not meet in person until it is determined to be safe for meetings to take place (federal and provincial direction) and all communications and approvals will happen electronically
• Board is aware that a response is required from each of them asap due to the quickly changing landscape
• All communications to chamber members will be through our Chamber Facebook page or Keep Calm and Shop on, this ensures that we will provide them fact checked information as quickly as possible. An email will be sent out to members asking them to move to this form of communication at this time.
• Kathleen will stay in regular contact with the President of the Board
• Ensuring that the following workers do not come to work:
• Anyone with COVID‐19-like symptoms such as a sore throat, fever, sneezing, or coughing. They must self‐isolate at home for a minimum of 10 days from onset of symptoms, until their symptoms are completely resolved.
• Workers who have travelled internationally. In these cases, they must remain away from the workplace for at least 14 days.
• Workers who live in the same household as a confirmed or clinical COVID-19 case who is self-isolating.
• Maintaining a distance of two metres between workers and others wherever possible, by revising work schedules, organizing work tasks, posting occupancy limits (e.g., on elevators and other small spaces), and limiting the number of workers at one time in break locations.
• Ensuring that the appropriate number of people are in each area of a worksite.
• Providing adequate handwashing facilities on site for all workers and ensuring their location is visible and easily accessed (note that providing and maintaining adequate washroom facilities is required by Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 4.85).
• Regularly cleaning all common areas and surfaces, including washrooms, shared offices, common tables, desks, light switches and door handles.
• Any guests who should require entering the office will be asked to re schedule should they show any symptoms of COVID19

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Conference Room For Rent

We are proud to announce that we have a conference room available for rent. If you are a member of our Chamber and require the conference room, there is no cost. If you aren’t a member, we charge $30.00 an hour. Wi-Fi is available.

We are located in downtown Dawson Creek, at the corner of 10th Street and 102nd Avenue.

The conference room can also be used for out-of-town business people who are visiting Dawson Creek and require a temporary office space.

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Online Payments

The Dawson Creek & District Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce that we now have an option for online payments that will accept:

Online Payments methods: Visa, Visa Debit, MasterCard, American Express, Discover

Use online payments to purchase or renew Chamber memberships, or purchase tickets to Chamber luncheons!


  • No refunds are available for prepaid Chamber luncheons & events.
  • No refunds are available on membership fees.
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